iOS Security

Trusting the Client

A lesson learned a long time ago in the world of desktop computing is that a server can’t trust what a client tells it. If a user goes to log in to your server, your server checks it, you would never leave it up to the client-side application to tell you the user is authenticated because you wouldn’t know if it’s telling the truth. You have control over your server and how it behaves, which is why it should be left in charge of making important decisions, and providing the client with just enough data to execute on those decisions.

This lesson is still being learned in the mobile world. One of the latest examples is Simple Bracket; a very nicely designed iOS app for choosing your March Madness bracket. When playing around with Simple Bracket, a couple of things jumped out at me. The first is if you sniff the app’s traffic, you can see that when searching for Pools, the server responds with a data for a list of matching pools, including their PIN. This seems to allow the app to quickly, and cleanly either accept or reject your PIN when you try to join a pool. The obvious downside to the client side checking here, is anybody can see the PIN for any pool, rendering the PIN completely useless.

The second thing I noticed is the way Simple Bracket determines when it should show certain data. Currently if you go to view another user, the app tells you that you won’t be able to see their bracket until March 21st, when March Madness begins and brackets are locked. This data is kept private from other users so that nobody can copy somebody else’s bracket. Normally in a situation like this, you would want to have the server be the one to determine when this data should be displayed, and not make the data available to the client until that time. In Simple Bracket they decided to let the client determine when to show this data and the server seems to happily provide it to the client. As such, by simply changing your device’s date to March 21, 2013, you can see anybody’s current bracket.

This is just one more example in a trend we see where many developers view iOS as a closed system that they can trust, and it’s not. As mobile platforms mature and develop, we should be cautious to not repeat the same mistakes that were already made on other platforms. There’s no need to repeat these mistakes and endure the same pain and consequences rather than learning and growing from the past.

By Nick Arnott

I like breaking stuff. I used to test iOS and Android applications. Now I test some other stuff. Sometimes I rant on Twitter.

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